Understanding The Bible
Expanded Appendix
Outline of Isaiah (Scroggie, Lee adapted)


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Dr. Clarence E. Mason, Jr.
Philadelphia College of Bible

OUTLINE OF ISAIAH (Scroggie, Lee adapted)

    1. Concerning Judah and Jerusalem 1-12
      Title and date 1:1
      1. First prophetic discourse: Israel's arraignment before God's judgment bar 1:2-31
        (An introduction to the whole first section, chapters 1-39)
        1. The plaintive complaint 2-8
        2. The plain conclusion 9
        3. The piercing condemnation 10-15 d. The promised cleansing 16-31
          1. Through repentance (in mercy) 16-19
          2. Through providential distress (in judgment) 20-31
      2. Second prophetic discourse: Future glory promised after purging by judgment 2-4 Title 2:1
        1. The vision of earth's Golden Age 2:2-4 (cp. Micah 4:1-3)
        2. Exhortation to Israel to anticipate the Kingdom Age by walking in the light 2:5-9
        3. The certainty of judgment on idolaters 2:10-21
        4. The certainty of judgment upon Israel's rulers (who were unfit for their position as leaders) 2:22-3:15
        5. The certainty of judgment upon Jerusalem's vain and godless women 3:16-4:1
        6. But Messiah, Jehovah's Branch, will purge His people of rebels and shelter His own 4:2-6
      3. Third prophetic discourse: Israel, the unfruitful vineyard, doomed to judgment 5
        1. The doomed vineyard 1-7 (cp. Jn. 15:1-8)
          1. The parable song 1-2
            (The seven details--the complete provision of God)
          2. The sad appeal 3-4
            a call (3);
            a challenge (4a);
            a charge (4b)
          3. The solemn resolve 5-6
          4. The searching application 7
            To Israel, to the Church, and to me! (Jn. 15:5)
        2. The six woes: A catalog of sin 8-24
          1. Avarice 8-10
          2. Intemperance 11-17
          3. Presumption 18-19
          4. Moral insensibility 20
          5. Self-conceit 21
          6. Injustice 22-24
        3. The inescapable judgment 25-30

        PARENTHESIS: Isaiah's vision and commission 6

        1. The vision 1-4 (cp. Jn. 12:37-41)
          The Lord (1), the Seraphim (2), the Trihagia (3), the Shekina (4)
        2. The effect of the vision 5-13
          1. His conviction and confession 5 "WOE"
          2. His cleansing 6-7 "LO"
          3. The challenging call 8
          4. The commission 9-13 "GO"
            1. The message of the commission 9-10
              Judicial blindness! (cp. Rom. 11:25)
            2. The duration of the commission 11-12
              "Until" desolation and captivity
            3. The encouragement of the commission 13
              A remnant preserved and returned
      4. Fourth prophetic discourse: Emmanuel and the Assyrian (near and far view) 7:1-9:7
        1. The setting - war clouds threaten 7:1-2
        2. The sign - assurance that Jehovah will defeat conspiracy against Judah (near and far view) 7:3-16
          1. The promise of deliverance spoken by the prophet 3-9
          2. The challenge of the sign spurned by the king 10-16
            1. The challenge of faith 10-11
            2. The hypocritical response 12
            3. The Lord's own sign given nevertheless 13-16
              (See special note on the Virgin Sign at end of outline.)
              1. Near and far view 13-14
              2. ii. Near view only 15-16 (cp. 7:22b; 8:4,8,10,18)
        3. The sequel - nevertheless Judah to be all but overthrown 7:17-9:7
          Because of Ahaz's unbelief, in destroying Judah's enemies (Syria and Samaria) Assyria will all but overflow Judah (8:8), only to be defeated by Immanuel (8:9-10). (Near and far view)
          1. The message to Ahaz concerning judgment upon Judah (because of his own unbelief, 12-13) 7:17-25
            1. Greater than any disaster the House of David has received since the secession of the Ten Tribes 17
            2. Four figures of judgment and desolation 18-25
              1. Flies and bees (i.e., swarming multitudes of Assyrians) 18-19
              2. Hired razor (leaving them in condition of shame) 20
              3. A cow and two sheep 21-22
                (All possessions confiscated by invading army, forcing a return to simple country life. Contra "feasts," 5:12.)
              4. Briers and thorns 23-25
                (The land unfilled and deserted because of invasion)
          2. The public announcement of Syria and Samaria's defeat and spoiling 8:1-8 (Cp. 7:14-16, the private announcement of same)
            1. The sign of Maher-shalah-hash-baz 1-4
              (Meaning, "Speed to the spoil; haste to the prey")
            2. The Hood of God's judgment 5-8
          3. Nevertheless! The prophet's attitude of faith in such a crisis 8:9-10
          4. The prophet's appeal to, and instruction of, a believing remnant A in those dark days of testing 8:11-22
            1. Don't trust a confederacy; trust Jehovah! 11-15
            2. Isaiah's ministry, example, and significantly-named children an encouragement to faith for the remnant 16-18
            3. Listen to Jehovah's words. . .not counterfeits 19-22
          5. The promised deliverance by the Prince of Peace 9:1-7 (Read in ASV)
            1. Darkness turned to light 1-2
            2. Sorrow turned to joy 3
            3. Defeat turned to victory 4-7
      5. Fifth prophetic discourse: Isaiah and his children (8:18) for signs to Israel 9:8-12:6
        1. Maher-shalal-hash-baz: "Hasten to the spoil; speed to the prey" 9:8-10:4
          Jehovah's judgment on Israel (northern kingdom) is certain!
          1. Stanza one: Israel, proud and careless, to be swallowed up 9:8-12
          2. Stanza two: Israel's destruction to be sudden 9:13-17
          3. Stanza three: Internal disagreement will make her weak 9:18-21
          4. Stanza four: The wicked rulers will be helpless in the day of trouble 10:1-4
            Note the chorus or refrain in 9:12b, 17b, 21b; 10:4b.
            Irrevocable wrath!

          Parenthesis: Assyria, God's agent in the judgment above, will be judged because of her pride and wickedness 10:5-19

          1. Assyria is simply God's instrument 5-6
          2. But Assyria is not aware of this, and thinks she will take Jerusalem ^^ also 7-11 w
          3. Therefore God will judge Assyria because of pride 12-15
          4. The destruction will be sudden and drastic 16-19
        2. Shear-Jashub: "The remnant shall return" 10:20-34
          Israel shall be regathered and delivered.
          1. This judgment on the Assyrian will quicken the faith of the remnant 20-23
          2. A pathetic plea to that generation to trust Jehovah and wait in patience for deliverance 24-27
          3. But Judah shall be cut down by Assyria 28-34
            Graphic description of Assyrian invasion.
        3. Isaiah: "Salvation of Jehovah" 11-12
          The coming and reign of the Saviour; the resultant joy.
          1. The Coming One 11:1-10
            1. The "character of the King 1-5
              1. The fruit of David's root 1
              2. The fullness of the Spirit will be His 2
              3. The foundation principles of His kingdom 3-5 Righteousness - equity - faithfulness.
            2. The felicity and universality of His kingdom 11:6-10
              1. The curse of Genesis 3 removed from creation 6-9a ii. Glory will supersede groaning 9b-10
                (Cp. Rom. 8:19-22, ASV; Hab. 2:14)
              2. The Coming Day 11:11-12:6
                1. Israel regathered and enemies defeated 11:11-16
                  1. The Hebrew tribes and Gentile nations alike will rally to Messiah's standard 11-12 (cp. v.10)
                  2. Rivalries will cease and enemies be destroyed 13-14
                  3. God's supernatural intervention will make possible this return to the land and this victory 15-16
                2. The song of thanksgiving 12
                  1. Stanza one: The joy of deliverance from sins 1-3
                  2. Stanza two: The joy of deliverance from enemies 4-6
    2. Concerning surrounding nations 13-23
      1. Doom of Babylon 13:1-14:23
        God's instrument - the Medes, 13:17.
        The day of judgment is imminent, 13:6; inevitable, 13:8; intense, 13:9; ethical, 13:lla; effectual, 13:llb; final, 13:19-22; for Israel's sake, 14:1-2.

        Israel will outlast her conquerors, 14:3-4; rest comes to those previously afflicted by Babylon, 14:5-8.

        The King of Babylon is met in the place of departed spirits (Sheol) and chided by former worthies, 14:9-11.

        But his fall illustrates that of his instigator (SATAN!), who exalted himself against God, only to be judged by Him, 14:12-14. (See Scofield note.)

        Satan's dupe, the King of Babylon, will be humbled, 14:15-17; his body will not receive honorable burial, 14:18-19; and his proud folly leads to the destruction of his kingdom, 14:20-23; Dan. 5:5-6, 22-23, 26-28, 30.
      2. Assyria to be broken 14:24-27
        As the future enemy of Israel from the north (Babylon) shall be broken, so the present enemy from the north (Assyria) will shortly be broken (see 7:17; 8:7-10).
      3. Philistia also doomed 14:28-32
        Though Assyria's rod be broken, Babylon will complete the work of Philistia's destruction. (Note "Palestine" is named from "Philistia.")
      4. Woe against Moab 15-16
        Wherever the future tense "shall" appears, read it as present. The prophet, by inspiration, sees it as though it were happening right before him.
      5. Doom of Damascus (Syria) and her ally, Israel (northern kingdom) 17 (cp. 7:4-7. Onv.12, cp. Lk. 21:26.)
      6. Woe against Ethiopia and Egypt 18-20
        See Scofield note on ambassadors, 18:2; in chapter 19, Egypt's decline is prophesied; it will be caused by fighting among themselves; with chapter 20, read 2  Kings 18:17.
      7. Babylon will be overthrown by the Medes 21:1-10
      8. Woe against Dumah (Edom) 21:11-12
      9. Woe against Arabia 21:13-17
      10. Woe against Jerusalem 22 (Prime minister Shebna removed; Eliakim, a type of Christ, succeeds him.)
      11. Woe against Tyre 23
    3. Concerning the world 24-25
      1. Visions of judgment, deliverance, and praise 24-27
        (Isaiah's "Little Apocalypse")
        1. Universal, devastating judgment prior to Christ's reign 24 b. Four songs of deliverance 25-27
          1. The prophet's song of Christ's complete victory 25:1-8
          2. The people's song of rejoicing 25:9-12
          3. A song of realization 26
            (See special New Scofield note on 26:19.)
          4. A song of restoration 27
      2. Warnings against unholy alliances of Judah (along with encouragements to faith) 28-35
        1. The predicted Assyrian captivity of Israel is a warning to Judah 28
        2. Warnings to Judah and Jerusalem of impending discipline 29-31 (Near and far view)
        3. Sennacherib's invasion (near view) and Jacob's "time of trouble" (far view) are shown to be due to sin and thus unnecessary.
          Jehovah will yet cleanse and deliver. 32-33 d. The Day of the LORD: Armageddon 34 e. Kingdom blessing of a regathered Israel 35

        PARENTHESIS: Historical: The Holy One of Israel delivering from Assyria 36-39
        1. Hezekiah's trouble: The Assyrian invasion 36
        2. Hezekiah's prayer: Judah delivered 37
        3. Hezekiah's sickness and recovery by God's grace 38
        4. Hezekiah's folly: Babylonian captivity foretold 39

    1. [CYRUS the Servant] Contrasts between Jehovah and substitutes for Him, with release from captivity foretold 40-48 COMFORT
      1. The good tidings of peace 40-41
      2. Jehovah's servant and the new song 42
      3. The redeeming work of Jehovah 43:1-21
      4. Jehovah's appeal and promise of revival 43:22-44:8
      5. Vanity of idol worship 44:9-20
      6. The triumph song of redemption 44:21-23
      7. Glory to Jehovah, the true "I AM" 44:24-46:13
      8. Dethronement of Babylon, the false "I AM"  47
      9. Jehovah's appeal to His redeemed 48
    2. [JESUS the Servant] Contrasts between Messiah's suffering and future glory 49-57 REDEMPTION
      1. Call and equipment of the Servant of Jehovah 49-50
      2. Ministry of the Servant of Jehovah 51:1-52:12
      3. Rejection and death of the Servant of Jehovah 52:13-53:12
        Chapter 53 is omitted from Synagogue reading due to bad conscience of Israel. The Servant couldn't possibly be Israel, according to Feinberg:
        1. He is distinguished from Israel ("he"; "our").
        2. He is an innocent victim (Israel isn't).
        3. He is a voluntary victim (Israel unwilling).
        4. He is a submissive victim (Israel rebellious).
        5. He is a dying victim (Israel still lives).
          "in His deaths" as though dying again and again
      4. The gathering in from all nations 54:1-56:8
      5. False religion judged 56:9-57:13
      6. Revival promised to the contrite 57:14-21
    3. [ISRAEL the SERVANT] Contrasts between the wicked and righteous within Israel, with a glorious prophecy of Messiah's kingdom of righteousness and peace 58-66 FUTURE GLORY
      1. Call to repentance 58:1-59:15
      2. The Deliverer out of Zion 59:16-21
      3. Jerusalem's glory 60
      4. The good tidings of great joy 61
      5. Jerusalem to be a praise in the earth 62
      6. The Victor's triumph over His enemies 63:1-6
      7. Thanksgiving for redemption 63:7-14
      8. Appeal for Jehovah's restoring grace 63:15-64:12
      9. Shame to the hypocrites and joy to the faithful 65:1-16
      10. The new heavens and the new earth 65:17-25
      11. Jerusalem and her people restored 66


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