The Book of 1st John
"Children of God Should Be Obvious"

James Deering,

Quick Links to specific locations in the text below: 

1.     The Visualized Text
2.     Questions To Be Explored
3.     Brief Outline
4.     Cross References
5.     Commentary
6.     The Horizontal Chart

THE VISUALIZED TEXT (NASB)  (conjunctions & prepositions underlined, words not in original text in italics)  (alternate text in purple)[1]


Little children,
    let no one deceive you;
    the one who practices righteousness
        is righteous,
        just as He is righteous;

    the one who practices sin
        is of the devil;
            for the devil has sinned from the beginning.

The Son of God appeared for this purpose,
    that He might destroy the works of the devil.

No one who is born of God
    practices sin,
            His seed abides in him; and
            he cannot sin,
            because he is born of God.

                By this
                    the children of God and
                    the children of the devil
                        are obvious:

anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God,
nor the one who does not love his brother.


(1 John 3:7)
1. Who are the "little children?"
2. According to this verse, what do you expect John thinks is the message of the one who deceives?
3. What is the basis of John's Statement concerning righteousness?

(1 John 3:8)
4. Who is the one who PRACTICES sin?
5. Why is he/she "OF" the devil?
6. Discuss those who live lives of practicing sin (no names please!) and how their lives displease God.
7. Many scholars believe that Ezekiel 20:11-19 speaks of the history of Satan's beginnings. What parallels can you draw between that text and 1 John 3:8?
8. What is one of the important reasons for the coming of Jesus Christ?
9. How are those works of the devil being destroyed even now?

(1 John 3:9)
10. Who practices sin?
11. Discuss what it means to have God's "SEED" abide in you.
12. How is it that if one is born of God he/she cannot sin?

(1 John 3:10)
13. In what 2 ways are the Children of God OBVIOUS?
14. Discuss what this means for you personally and what it means for Trinity as a Church body.


I.          Introduction:  The Purpose of the Letter, 1:1-4
II.         Conditions for Fellowship, 1:5-2:2
            A.        Conformity to a Standard, 1:5-7
            B.         Confession of Sin, 1:8-2:2
III.       Conduct in Fellowship, 2:3-27
            A.        The Character of Our Conduct - Imitation, 2:3-11
            B.         The Commandment of Our Conduct - Separation, 2:12-17
            C.        The Creed for Our Conduct - Affirmation, 2:18-27
IV.       Characteristics of Fellowship, 2:28-3:24
            A.        In Relation to Our Prospect: Purity, 2:28-3:3
            B.         In Relation to Our Position:  Righteousness and Brotherly Love, 3:4-18
            C.        In Relation to Our Prayers:  Answers, 3:19-24
V.        Cautions of Fellowship, 4:1-21
            A.        Concerning False, Lying Spirits, 4:1-6
            B.         Concerning a True, Loving Spirit, 4:7-21
                        1.         The ground of brotherly love, 4:7-10
                        2.         The glories of love, 4:11-21
VI.       Consequences of Fellowship, 5:1-21
            A.        Love for the Brethren, 5:1-3
            B.         Victory over the World, 5:4-5
            C.        Verification of Christ's Credentials, 5:6-12
            D.        Assurance of Eternal Life, 5:13
            E.         Guidance in Prayer, 5:14-17
            F.         Freedom from Habitual Sin, 5:18-21

COMMENTARY:  (1 John 1:1-4)[3]

Cross References:

            John 1:1 ff. - "In the beginning was the Word"


[1] "Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE, © Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1988. Used by permission."

[3] Deering, Jim,

Quick Links to specific locations in the text below: 

1.     The Visualized Text
2.     Questions To Be Explored
3.     Brief Outline
4.     Cross References
5.     Commentary
6.     The Horizontal Chart
