Understanding The Bible
Clarence E. Mason's "ROMANS"

Divine Righteousness Producing Practical
Righteousness in the Believer 12:1-15:7

Dr. Clarence E. Mason, Jr.
Philadelphia College of Bible

DIVISION III. EXHORTATIONAL: Divine Righteousness Producing Practical Righteousness in the Believer 12:1‑15:7.
God's Good, Acceptable, and Perfect Will for Our Walk Revealed.

Subdivision I. The Walk of the Christian in relation to his Lord, himself, the Church, and the world, 12

  1. The Christian's service in relation to his Lord and himself 12:1-2
    Calls for self‑sacrifice, 12:1
    1. The body offered: That we be not CONformed, 12:l‑2a
    2. The mind renewed: That we may be TRANSformed, 12:2b
  2. The Christian's service in relation to the Church 12:3-16
    Calls for humility, 12:3, and love, 12:9a

    The Church is the Body of Christ, 12:5a
    1. We are many members, with differing functions, 12:3‑5
    2. Rendering our varied service as a gift from Him, 12:6‑8
    3. General exhortations to loving faithfulness, 12:9‑16
  3. Christian service in relation to the world 12:17-21
    Calls for loving forbearance under provocation, 12:17a
    It is GOD'S part to repay WRATH, 12:19
    It is MAN'S part to serve in LOVE, 12:20

Subdivision II. The Christian's relation to earthly governments 13
Calls for submission, 13:1

  1. Human government represents Divine authority, 13:1‑7
    1. To resist government is to resist God, 13:1‑2
      (Except, of course, in matters of conscience based on the Word of God.)

      Christianity is not bolshevistic, anarchistic, Jesuistic, nor socialistic.
      Christianity is the friend, not the foe of government.
    2. The ruler is a minister of God for good, 13:3‑4
    3. The highest appeal for good citizens hip, 13:5‑7
  2. God's law of love the guarantee of a law‑abiding life, 13:8‑10
    1. Summary of God's law neighbor‑ward, 13:8‑9
    2. Love fulfills the law, 13:10
  3. The greater urgency in view of the time, 13:11‑13
    1. Time to awake, 13:11‑12
    2. Time to live soberly, 13:13
  4. The essence of good citizenship, 13:14
    1. Putting ON the Lord Jesus Christ, 13:14a
    2. Putting AWAY the lusts of the flesh, 13:14b

Subdivision III. Christian liberty and love, or The Christian in relation to doubtful questions 14:1‑15:7
Calls for consideration of neighbor's good, 14:1, 21

  1. Duty of strong toward the weak, 14:1
    Disputes over conduct to be avoided, especially in the presence of immature Christians.
  2. 2. Matters of conduct in which Christians differ, 14:2‑23
    1. First principle of conduct: PERSONAL LIBERTY 14:2‑13a
      Forbids our passing judgment upon a brother

      This argument does not say, "I am at liberty to do as I please." It says, "My brother is at liberty to do as he pleases, where the Lord has not spoken in His Word."
      1. The difference of conscience illustrated (2)
      2. But God has received the brother with whom you disagree (3)
      3. He is the servant of Another‑‑not of you (4)
      4. We differ conscientiously (5‑6)
      5. We are under the Lordship of Christ (7‑9)
      6. We shall all stand before His judgment seat, each to give account of himself alone (10‑12)
      7. Therefore, we are not to limit our brother in his personal liberty by any human judgment where the Word of God does not specifically speak (13a), but each must limit himself in the exercise of his liberty by a
    2. Second principle of conduct: OUR NEIGHBOR'S GOOD 14:13b-21
      Requires practical exercise of the law of love
      1. Forbids placing a stumbling block in his way (13b‑15)
      2. Though that something seem good in itself (16‑20)
      3. The brother's good must be placed above personal gratification (21)
        These two principles (A. + B.) lead to a still loftier
    3. Third principle of conduct: GOD'S GLORY )14:22-23
      God to be glorified through a life of faith
      1. Lived as in His sight (22a)
      2. Avoiding self‑condemnation (22b‑23)
  3. Exhortation to live by these principles, as Christ did, 15:1‑7
    1. Don't limit your brother (Principle 1), 15:1
    2. Seek your neighbor's spiritual good (Principle 2), 15:2
    3. Seek God's glory, as our Lord did (Principle 3), 15:3
    4. The Scripture record is to lead us to UNITY of mind and praise for the glory of God, 15:4‑7



"Mason's Notes"

(formerly Philadelphia Biblical University, Philadelphia College of Bible.)
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