- The Ancient Path, Matthew Chapter 6, Outlines

The Gospel of Matthew

Outline To This Point:
Charles C. Ryrie:
"Matthew Outline” [1]

Ryrie Outline

I.    The Person of the King, 1:1-4:25
        A.     His Background, 1:1-17
        B.     His Birth, 1:18-2:23
            1.     The announcement of the birth, 1:18-25
            2.     The adoration of the baby, 2:1-12
            3.     The advancement of the boy, 2:13-23
        C.     His Baptism, 3:1-17
        D.     His Temptation, 4:1-11
        E.     His Inauguration, 4:12-25

II.    The Preaching of the King, 5:1-7:29
        A.     The Picture of Kingdom Life, 5:1-16
        B.     The Precepts for Kingdom Life, 5:17-48
            1.     The law of Moses, 5:17-20
            2.     The law of murder, 5:21-22
            3.     The law of reconciliation, 5:23-26
            4.     The law of adultery, 5:27-30
            5.     The law of divorce, 5:31-32
            6.     The law of oaths, 5:33-37
            7.     The law of nonresistance, 5:38-42
            8.     The law of love, 5:43-48
        C.     The Practice of Kingdom Life, 6:1-7:12
            1.     In relation to almsgiving, 6:1-4
            2.     In relation to prayer, 6:5-15
            3.     In relation to fasting, 6:16-18
            4.     In relation to money, 6:19-24
            5.     In relation to anxiety, 6:25-34


Matthew Chapter 6
I.      Humility in Giving 6:2-4
II.      Humility in Prayer 6:5-15
III.      Humility in Fasting 6:16-18
IV.      Anxiety over Treasures 6:19-34

  [1] Ryrie, Dr. Charles Caldwell. (1994) Chairman, Department of Systematic Theology. Dallas Theological Seminary. Condensed from: "The Ryrie Study Bible: Introduction to The Gospel According to Matthew". NASB - Moody Press
