- The Ancient Path, Matthew Chapter 4:18-25 Jesus Preache and Heals

The Gospel of Matthew
CHAPTER 4:23-25

Jesus Begins His Public Ministry - Jesus Christ Preaches and Heals in Galilee

Jim Deering,



Mt 4:23, Jesus Proclaims the Gospel of The Kingdom


Mr 4:24-25, The Word "about Jesus" Spreads


Matthew 4:23

And Jesus was going about in all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom[74], and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people.

The Three Points of Jesus' early ministry

A.     Teaching and Proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom.

        Again, the reminder: Jesus is not preaching the Gospel of Salvation by Grace. He is preaching repentance for the Nation of Israel, that they would return to their God (away from heathen idols) and return to Israel as "the faithful."

B.     Healing every kind of disease and sickness.

        Physical, emotional, spiritual - healing of all who would come.

C.     Using the Synagogues as His pulpit.


The emphasis is upon the Jewish people and their leadership. He has come to THEM that they might witness His offer of the Kingdom of Heaven. He knows that they will reject His Kingdom, but He is there to testify of Himself, and of His Kingdom offer.


Mt 4:24-25, The Word Spreads "about Jesus," and the results

4:24  and the news about Him went out into all Syria; and they brought to Him all who were ill, taken with various diseases and pains, demoniacs, epileptics, paralytics; and He healed them. 4:25  And great crowds followed Him from Galilee and Decapolis and Jerusalem and Judea and from beyond the Jordan.

The Crowds followed Him -  See the progression: Towns, cities, the metropolis (10 city metro), the state, and beyond the river Jordan (at this time in His public ministry). The "report" of Jesus has spread over the whole territory and beyond.


Next, Matthew will begin reporting on "The Sermon on the Mount" in Chapter 5 leaving the chronology for a couple chapters (5-7).


Following these chapters we will pick up that chronological thread and continue reporting on the events in Galilee.

[74] The good news of the Kingdom. This is the good news that the presence of the King caused the rule of God on earth (in fulfillment of many OT prophecies) to be "near." Prerequisites for entrance into the kingdom included repentance (v. 17), righteousness (5:20), childlike faith (18:3), or, in summary, being born again (John 3:3). Because the people rejected these requirements, Christ taught that His earthly reign would not immediately come (Luke 19:11). However, this gospel of the kingdom will be preached again during the Tribulation (24:14), just prior to the return of Christ to establish His kingdom on earth (25:31, 34).

[75] Charles C. Ryrie, Ryrie Study Bible, Expanded Edition, New International Version, Moody Press, Chicago, 1994

[76] Gaebelein, Arno C. (c. 1970). "The Holy Scriptures Analyzed and Annotated: Matthew" - Moody Press, Loizeaux Bothers

[77] Charles C. Ryrie, Ryrie Study Bible, Expanded Edition, New International Version, Moody Press, Chicago, 1994

[78] Gaebelein, Arno C. (c. 1970). "The Holy Scriptures Analyzed and Annotated: Matthew" - Moody Press, Loizeaux Bothers

[79] Charles C. Ryrie, Ryrie Study Bible, Expanded Edition, New International Version, Moody Press, Chicago, 1994

[80] Gaebelein, Arno C. (c. 1970). "The Holy Scriptures Analyzed and Annotated: Matthew" - Moody Press, Loizeaux Bothers

