New Scofield Reference Bible: C. I. Scofield D.D., Editor
Scofield Notes: p.7 "The Adamic Covenant"
Referenced to Genesis 3:15

The Adamic Covenant conditions the life of fallen man - conditions which must remain till, in the kingdom age, "the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God" (Rom 8:21). The elements of the covenant are:
(1) The serpent, Satan's tool, is cursed (v. 14; Rom 16:20; 2 Cor 11:3,14; Rev 12:9) and becomes God's graphic warning in nature of the effects of sin - from the most beautiful and subtle of creatures to a loathsome reptile. The deepest mystery of the cross of Christ is strikingly pictured by the serpent of bronze, a type of Christ "made . . . to be sin for us" in bearing the judgment we deserved (Num 21:5 -9; John 3:14 - 15; 2 Cor 5:21).
(2) The first promise of a Redeemer (v. 15). Here begins the "highway of the Seed": Abel, Seth, Noah (Gen 6:8 - 10), Shem (Gen 9:26 - 27), Abraham (Gen 12:1 - 4), Isaac (Gen 17:19 - 21), Jacob (Gen 28:10 -14), Judah (Gen 49:10), David (2 Sam 7:5 - 17), Immanuel-Christ (Isa 7:10 - 14; Mat 1:1,20 - 23; John 12:31 -33; 1 John 3:8).
(3) The changed state of the woman (v. 16), in three particulars: (a) multiplied conception; (b) sorrow (pain) in motherhood; (c) the headship of the man (cp. Gen 1:26 - 27). Sin's disorder makes necessary a headship; it is vested in man (Eph 5:22 - 25; 1 Cor 11:7 - 9; 1 Tim 2:11 - 14).
(4) The light occupation of Eden (Gen 2:15) changed to burdensome labor (3:18 - 19), because of the earth's being cursed (3:17).
(5) The inevitable sorrow of life (v. 17).
(6) The brevity of life and the tragic certainty of physical death to Adam and all his descendants (v. 19; Rom 5:12 - 21). See also Death (spiritual), Gen 2:17; Eph 2:5; and notes. Nevertheless, the curse upon the ground is for man's sake. It is not good for man to live without toil.
For notes on other major covenants, see: Edenic (Gen 2:16); Noahic (Gen 9:16); Abrahamic (Gen 12:2); Mosaic (Exo 19:5); Palestinian (Deu 30:3); Davidic (2 Sam 7:16); New (Heb 8:8). Follow also the chain references on this subject.
<Eight Covenants:> vv. 14 -20; Gen 9:16. (Gen 2:16; Heb 8:8)

As the English word "enmity" comes from the same root as "enemy," so also the Greek word used in the Septuagint at this verse, and the Greek word in the N.T. commonly rendered "enemy," derive from the same root. Our Lord specifically designates Satan as the "enemy" (Mat 13:25,28, cp. v. 39; probably also Luke 10:19). All men outside of Christ are enemies of God (Rom 5:10; Col 1:21; James 4:4); the carnal mind is at enmity with God (Rom 8:7). This enmity, which is particularly manifested in those who are "enemies of the cross of Christ" (Phil 3:18), will develop in great intensity in the end times (Rev 12:13 - 17).

Cp. Mat 3:7

Isa 7:14; Mat 1:18,25

The chain of references which begins here includes the promises and prophecies concerning Christ which were fulfilled in His birth and works at His first advent. See, for line of unfulfilled promises and prophecies: Christ (second advent) (Deu 30:3 to Acts 1:11); Kingdom (O.T.) (Gen 1:26 - 28 to Zech 12:6 - 8); Kingdom (N.T.) (Luke 1:31 - 33 to 1 Cor 15:24 - 28); Day of the LORD (Isa 2:10 - 22 to Rev 19:11 - 21).

<Sacrifice> (prophetic): v. 15; Gen 4:4; (typical): v. 4; Gen 8:20. (Gen 3:15; Heb 10:18, note)

<Christ> (first advent): v. 15; Gen 12:3. (Gen 3:15; Acts 1:11)

New Scofield Reference Bible: C. I. Scofield D.D., Editor
Scofield Notes: p.7 "The Adamic Covenant"
Referenced to Genesis 3:15

Used by permission